Go to the Destinations overview page and click the Add destination button. Select Intercom and click Continue. You can then authenticate Hightouch to Intercom with OAuth. Click Log in to Intercom and log into your Intercom account.
Once successful, you will be redirected back to Hightouch to enter a descriptive name for your destination and complete setup.
Once you've set up your Intercom destination and have a model to pull data from, you can set up your sync configuration to begin syncing data. Go to the Syncs overview page and click the Add sync button to begin. Then, select the relevant model and the Intercom destination you want to sync to.
Contact objects allow you to represent and provide information on individual users. All contact objects are represented as users or leads as marked by the role attribute.
To match rows from your model to objects in Intercom, you need to select a model column and corresponding Intercom field. You can match on any of the following Intercom fields:
You can map data from any of your model columns to contact fields in Intercom. Ensure the data type of your model column matches the data type of the field you want to sync to.
You can associate companies to contacts using this configuration section. To do so, select a column from your model to match the associated object. Hightouch uses this column to look up the associated object's ID and make the connection between the two objects.
For example, if you wanted to associate a company to your contact, you select Company from the right dropdown. Then, select a field to match the company on, for example Company ID.
Company objects allow you to represent and provide information on organizations using your product. Each company has its own description and can be associated with contacts.
Company objects' Company ID can't be updated. If you need to change a company object's Company ID you need to delete it and recreate it with a new Company ID.
When syncing company objects, make sure they have at least one associated contact. Otherwise, the company won't be visible in Intercom.
To match rows from your model to records in Intercom, you need to select the model column that contains values that match the Company ID field. If there isn't a company with the matching Company ID, Hightouch creates a new company.
You can map data from any of your model columns to company fields in Intercom. Ensure the data type of your model column matches the data type of the field you want to sync to.
You can associate contacts to companies using this configuration section. To do so, select a column from your model to match to the associated object. Hightouch uses this column to look up the associated object's ID and make the connection between the two objects.
For example, if you wanted to associate a company to your contact, you select Contact from the right dropdown. Then, select a field to match the contact on, for example user_id.
You can optionally select a column that contains timestamps of when events occurred. If this field is empty, Hightouch uses the time the event arrives at the server.
Syncs can have different tag modes based on how you would like to handle tags.
Create added tags
When there are tags added to the source, create the tags in Intercom. If the tag does not already exist, it will be created in Intercom. If the tag already exists, it will be added to the contact or company. Do nothing for tags removed from the source.
Overwrite existing tags
When there are changes to tags in the source, remove all tags in Intercom before creating the tags present in the source. If there are no changes to the tags, do nothing. Because this removes all tags in Intercom, this may delete data not authored by Hightouch.
Delete removed tags and create added tags
When there are changes to tags in the source, removes tags in Intercom that have been removed from the source, and creates tags that have been added to the source.
Custom data attributes could not be created: StatusCodeError: 429 -
"type": "error.list",
"request_id": "003drrt76xkssahyhgd41",
"code": "rate_limit_exceeded",
"message": "Exceeded rate limit of 167 in 10_seconds"
This error means you've exceeded Intercom's rate limit.
One reason for this could be running two Hightouch syncs to Intercom simultaneously.
Try staggering the syncs so that they don't overlap.
If your Hightouch sync processes successfully, but you don't see the companies
in Intercom, check if there is at least one contact associated to the company. Intercom only displays companies with at least one associated contact. For more information, read the Intercom company API documentation.
Hightouch provides complete visibility into the API calls made during each of your sync runs. We recommend reading our article on debugging tips and tricks to learn more.