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Android SDK

The Android SDK makes it easy to track events from Java and Kotlin Android applications.


The Android SDK is hosted on Jitpack.

You may install it via Gradle by adding it to your settings.gradle and build.gradle.

// settings.gradle

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url '' }
// build.gradle

dependencies {
  implementation ''


You should initialize the SDK in a central location and store it in a variable for use across your application. For example, you may want to initialize it in your application's onCreate callback. After initialization, you can use the SDK anywhere you import the Analytics class via the singleton instance.

Kotlin example:


val analytics = Analytics.Builder(context, "YOUR_WRITE_KEY")


Java example:


Analytics analytics = new Analytics.Builder(context, "YOUR_WRITE_KEY")


Configuration options:

defaultApiHostStringThe API host to send the tracked events to.
flushQueueSizeintThe number of events to queue before sending events to the Hightouch API. Defaults to 20.
flushIntervalintThe maximum amount of time (in seconds) to store events locally before forwarding to Hightouch. Defaults to 30 seconds.
trackApplicationLifecycleEventsn/aAutomatically track application lifecycle events (like opening the application).
recordScreenViewsn/aAutomatically track screen views.
trackDeepLinksn/aAutomatically track deep links.


By default, Highotuch automatically collects context such as the device operating system. This context is forwarded with each event.

To modify the context sent with each event, modify the context dictionary returned by getAnalyticsContext(). You may add additional values, as well as remove default metadata.

You may also override the context in individual event calls. See the per-event methods for more information.



The identify method sends an identify event. It accepts user id and trait information for the current user -- if you only have partial information, you can just supply a single parameter.

Java method signature:

Analytics.with(context).identify("userId", new Traits().putEmail("email"), null);

Kotlin method signature:

Analytics.with(context).identify("userId", Traits().putEmail("email"), null);

Method parameters:

userIdStringThe user's persistent ID
traitsTraits (optional)Additional traits about the user, such as email and name.
optionsOptions (optional)Overrides to the event's context may be passed through the options object. Note that this overrides the default context.


The track method sends a track event. The event name is required, and additional properties that describe the event may be supplied.

Java method signature:

Analytics.with(context).track("eventName", new Properties().putValue("custom", "property"), null);

Kotlin method signature:

Analytics.with(context).track("eventName", Properties().putValue("custom", "property"), null);

Method parameters:

nameStringThe name of the event.
propertiesProperties (optional)Additional properties about the event, such as product_id.
optionsOptions (optional)Overrides to the event's context may be passed through the options object. Note that this overrides the default context.


The screen method sends a screen event. The screen title is required, and additional information about the screen's category and properties may be supplied.

Java method signature:

Analytics.with(context).screen("category", "name", new Properties().putValue("custom", "property"), null);

Kotlin method signature:

Analytics.with(context).screen("category", "name", Properties().putValue("custom", "property"), null);

Method parameters:

categoryString (optional if name is supplied)The screen's category. For example "Docs"
titleString (optional if category is supplied)The screen's name. For example "Getting started"
propertiesProperties (optional)Additional properties about the event, such as from_link.
optionsOptions (optional)Overrides to the event's context may be passed through the options object. Note that this overrides the default context.


The group method sends a group event.

The id identifying the user's group is required. Additional traits on the group can be provided.

Java method signature:

Analytics.with(context).group("groupId", new Traits().putValue("custom", "property"), null);

Kotlin method signature:

Analytics.with(context).group("groupId", Traits().putValue("custom", "property"), null);

Method parameters:

groupIdStringThe id for the group.
traitsTraits (optional)Additional traits about the group, such as company_name.
optionsOptions (optional)Overrides to the event's context may be passed through the options object. Note that this overrides the default context.


The Android SDK buffers events locally before sending them to Hightouch's servers. This minimizes the number of requests made by the SDK and makes the tracking non-blocking.

To force the local buffer to be sent to Hightouch immediately call the flush method.

Method signature:



The reset method resets the identify and group for the local session.

The reset method should be called when users log out. This way, if the user logs back in with another account, the userIds and traits from the different sessions remain separate.

Method signature:


Opt out

The optOut method disabled event tracking. When called, events are not sent to Hightouch's servers.

Note that the opt out persists across device reboots. To opt back in to tracking, pass false to optOut.

Method signature:


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Last updated: Oct 4, 2023

On this page

InstallationInitializationContextAPIIdentifyTrackScreenGroupFlushResetOpt out

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