Hightouch supports ingesting events via webhook HTTP requests sent to a webhook endpoint hosted by Hightouch. This allows you to send events from any system that supports webhooks (eg. Stripe, Iterable, Shopify).
Once you create a webhook event source, Hightouch automatically creates a custom webhook endpoint that will extract, transform, and load webhook data into Hightouch Events. Your data can then be synced to your warehouse or streamed to our catalog of realtime destinations.
All webhooks are ingested into Hightouch as track events. The HTTP request headers and body (JSON) are exposed as custom properties on the track event.
You can configure how Hightouch transforms incoming webhooks to Hightouch track events. Mappings can be configured for the following fields:
event - When providing a path to the field you want to use for the event name, please reference the path relative to the webhook request body, not the event object displayed in the Hightouch debugger.
You can also transform your events using Functions in order to standardize the schema or enrich its contents.